antioxidant in water

The DRO-100HE PLUS with beneficial Antioxidant in Water

DRO-100 HE PLUS: a brand new all-inclusive under the counter drinking water system is now available from Dime Water, Inc.

This new system is constructed to not only reduce all known water contaminants by 90% or higher but also adds healthy benefits to the water that you drink. Using reverse osmosis, this new system provides cleaner water for drinking, beverages you prepare such as coffee, tea, and foods, like soup for example.


After the reverse osmosis process, our new system utilizes a custom cartridge that allows three important things to occur to further improve your water.

First, pH levels are adjusted to the alkalinity level you prefer ranging from neutral of 7 to over 8.5 depending on the raw water chemistry.

Second, the vital to life electrolytes calcium and magnesium are added to the water from natural sources as well as enhanced taste.

Finally, the DRO-100 HE PLUS stands apart from other filtrations systems by adding molecular hydrogen to the water as a therapeutic antioxidant. A publication in the 2016 National Institute of Health by Dr. Lei Huang, M.D. talks about the health benefits of cleansing the human body of oxidants at a cellular level. A measurable negative ORP of the treated water confirms the antioxidant properties of our water.

All of this is accomplished with the most efficient recovery of treated water available at 76%. This reduction of wasted water is critical to the environment as is the elimination of plastic bottles now that the water is treated in the home.

And did we mention the super production capacity of the DRO-100 HE PLUS is 100 gallons per day! This virtually guarantees you’ll never run out of this delicious & healthy water.


alkaline water info, DRO 100 HE Plus, filtering benefits, Filters, Reverse Osmosis Posts, water contamination, Water Filter, Water Filter Systems, water filters, Water Filtration Systems, Water ionizer, water purifiers
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